Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Shaum 2010

This was second day of ramadhan, and this day I was in my internship place, lintasarta office due to my appointment. Actually I planned to spend my ramadhan in my hometown, because i want to do shaum peacefully and i want to be better in this ramadhan. But reality didnot work as we want. I still stucked with my internship assignment and hadn't done with my report. I has schedule next week, due to my enrollment in gemastik, I was doing some sort of IT contest, business game specifically.

So, because of those, I was forced to stay in depok longer. I realized that this is the longest time I spend my life in depok, the longest time I did not come back to my hometown. Fortunately, My faculty give extension to the next semester starting day. Normally, the next semester starts in 30th august, but student of computer science (except for the new students) starts the new semester in 22th september. So that I can spend my holiday longer, and come home for idul fitri earlier than the others.

But! I just realized that I registered my self to be an assistant of certain course. Argh! I just did it, and realized that it may prevent me to come back home in early septembers. Oh God! I want to be assistant, but I want come home too! What should I do? Part of my heart hope that I wont be accepted as assistant. Oh, I hope things will run well...

4 komentar:

ecy mengatakan...

astagaaa...aku mudeng..
aku pintar..

melas bgt sih mas dirimu
masa mlebu kuliah 22
blm sempet pulang juga

moga bertahan di depok dapet balasan manis
semoga diterima jadi asisten yaa... :D

qorib m mengatakan...

22 September ko des,
tapi ya pada bae aku rung bali-bali
dadi ra pati ngefek, mlebu tanggal 22
aku kaya kul 3 semester berturut2
ngesuk rampung KP bali sedilit trus kuliah maning, jan...

ecy mengatakan...

alaah jan, kesele..
semangat mas! :)

Anonim mengatakan...

melase ajat...... nasibku ya tesih durung jelas iki.. eneng masalah T_T
dan mungkin saya tidak bisa pulang bareng pake bus grattis