Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

My English is messed up

Wahaha, Although my English writing is not good, I keep to write in English. Hmm... why?
I dont know, I just feel comfortable writing in another language, and another language I could do, just english (just this time, because I will expand my foreign-language skill, Keep spirit! )

Sooo.... Im sorry very much if you are disturbed with my weirdo english... But you can critize me, so I'll know my fault.

~keep posting (yelled up to myself)

cuma pengen kasih liat gambarku lagi

Emm... Again, this is my vector art picture, but not in cartoon mode
hehe, although Im amateur, I try as hard as I can (this is my first vector art you know!)
give comment please

my Cartoon pic

like before, I want to post my old writing
this was written in Kebumen, my lovely home, in my super long holiday

~begin, wrote in My room, 22.29, 230808

Trying to sleep, but failed.
Status today: doing nothing (again)

This is my vektor art. How does it look? Cute? I think it is.
Not too special, but i think its enough good. Hehe...
Who is the object?
In my imagination.
That picture was created yesterday, 220808, about seven o’clock.
Hmm... i think i’ll mark up it again.
Check it out!


Now 23.37..
This is the new cartoon:

How is it?

Hehe. Bye.

(wahaha... biasa bae... )

~end of writing

His name is Karim

I have some writings a couple times ago
Now I want to share this, wrote on 1st October 08...

~begin, my writing in 1 syawal

Tidak terasa waku benar-benar berlalu sangat cepat,
1 syawal sekarang, dan hanya ada dua tulisan sepanjang ramadhan ini,
awal bulan dan akhir bulan

Haru aku melihat kehidupan baru,
Kemarin, aku pergi ke rumah sepupuku. Sepupu yang sangat dekat. Bahkan sudah kuanggap seperti saudara kandung sendiri.
Dia baru dikaruniai seorang anak. Lucu sekali.
Berbayang kembali otakku ke masa silam. Sungguh waktu berjalan dengan misterius. Ketika itu, aku masih kecil. Dan sepupuku yang ‘mengemong’ aku. Sekarang dia sudah punya putra. Giliranku untuk menjadi teladan telah tiba. Siap atau tidak siap, kedewasaan harus tumbuh dalam diriku...

Time forcely push me to keep going...
He is indeed realize me how precious the time we have,
I see his face, never boring seeing him,despite he just doing nothing, he was sleeping...
Allah has set everything as it have to be..

~end of writing

My sandal

This time I would like to tell you about my sandal

A pity, because my sandal that I want to tell you about have disappeared so I could not let you see my sandal. Like the description before(before I edit the blog desc), my sandal was black, selop type, dirty, cheap, and ugly. But i like it. I buy it by myself. because, it cheap, hehe... He has short life. I hope he may rest in peace.

He had live with me and accompany me in the meaning time. But i ever angry with him too. When he suddenly couldnt keep the friction so I slipped in my walk, made my clothes dirty, my hands hurt, and the most I hate, made me embarassed (falling unbeautifully in front of many people... ugh)

by the way, thats it I want to tell you now (because even I dont understand what this posting's meaning :D)
may be I could continue this later...

~wahaha.. not nice posting

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008

My New Name


Sooo... this is the new blogs_name, and the new address too
hmm, I hope this time I could run this blog well

Please give comment...