Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Dilarang Parkir Sampai Rambu Berikut

Wahai para warga negara Indonesia, tidaklah kalian memperhatikan keanehan yang terjadi di sekitar jalan kita? Saya sedikit tergelitik untuk menulis setelah lama bertanya-tanya mengenai keanehan rambu dilarang parkir yang tertancap di sepanjang jalan besar.

Ketika saya sedang berangkat kerja praktek, saya memperhatikan kalau angkot tidak berhenti di setiap pinggir jalan karena ada rambu dilarang parkir (karena ada polisi juga sih). Karena hal itu saya lama memperhatikan dan mengamati rambu tersebut.
Di rambu tersebut tergambarkan simbol P dicoret (dilarang parkir) dengan tulisan di bawahnya "sampai rambu berikut".

Hm? Ada yang aneh? Mungkin sekilas tidak. Tapi, sepanjang perjalanan, karena saya penasaran, saya mencari lagi rambu serupa untuk memastikan di mana sebenarnya kendaraan diperbolehkan parkir. Tak lama berselang saya menemukan rambu serupa persis dengan tulisan yang sama, "dilarang parkir sampai rambu berikut".

Loh? saya jadi bertanya2, kapan sebenarnya kita diperbolehkan parkir? karena setelah rambu pertama dengan instruksi untuk memperhatikan rambu berikutnya, rambu berikutnya pun memberikan instruksi untuk melihat rambu selanjutnya. Kapan bolehnya dong?

Hahaha, saya sedikit tertawa. Namun saya juga melihat sudut pandang lain kenapa terdapat instruksi tersebut. Mungkin maksudnya adalah untuk memberikan rambu bagi kendaraan yang datang dari arah sebaliknya. Namun, konstruktif dengan pernyataan sebelumnya, kendaraan tersebut pun akan mengalami jebakan larangan tak terbatas. lagipula hal itu jadi tak berfungsi untuk jalanan satu arah.

Kelihatannya ini memang masalah sederhana, tapi cukup membuat bertanya-tanya. Menurut saya seharusnya rambu-rambu tersebut dibuat dua arah dan dua jenis dengan instruksi yang berbeda, untuk mempermudah pembacaan bagi orang asing.

Anyway, kalau di html, hal tersebut melanggar prinsip xml karena tidak ada 'end tag' untuk melengkapi tag sebelumnya. Pasti ada peringatan kalo pake firebug. Hehehehe

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Be Patient and Ikhlas

I have a bad day this week. Its begin in the saturday morning, i suddenly found may laptop dissappear under my nose! Yes, i lost my laptop, and all my hardwork. Its so amazing so that I feel like my half-life taken.
It happened when I fell asleep in the morning, (this is not good habit), after I did morning pray (sholat), i felt like i want to sleep again but i also want to work my assigment using my laptop. but finally i decided to sleep again. in that time, my laptop obviously still existed next to my bed. But when I woke up at 8.00 o'clock, i didnt see my laptop. Argh!! I felt so confused but i still didnt realize that my laptop was stolen.
I helplessly looking in every inch of my room, hoping that i mistakenly put it in somewhere else, but deep in mind i was sure that i put it there. After a couple of minutes, i realized that there was no hope, my laptop clearly dissappeared, and i do very clearly realize that my 2 months hard work also gone with my beloved gadget.
I suddenly felt sad deeply, but i could control my emotion so that i didnt overreact, or crying. I was just calmly very sad.
Now, it had been a days after the accident. Honestly I still felt sad, sorry, and empty. But i know it wont help me solve this problem. I have to face it, i have to accept it. It is time to solve this problem. I have my internship assigment that actually i had finished it well in two months, that i have to submit it next week. But, its already gone. I have to collect all my spirit so that I could focus redo it again. redo my two months hard work so that i could finish it in a week. Thanks for all my friend that trying to cheer me up. I hope i can pass this problem peacefully. I am sorry for parents, my mother and father. I didnt treasure your gift well. I am sorry I failed not to make you sad. I promise to finish my study well so that i could present you vip seats.

In the end, for all reader, there are lesson we can get
1st, dont forget to lock your door when you're sleeping
2nd, dont sleep after morning praying, (it is hard for me, but i should try my best)
3rd, losing something is really hard, but it is better to be patient, because panic wont help us at all

I think Allah give me this lesson because I was to arrogant and not thankfull, i should learn to be more ikhlas, i hope Allah forgive my sins and I hope things will still going well..