Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014

Hapus Posting

Sebenernya saya surprise ketika postingan saya masih ada yang komen walaupun dipost sudah sangat lama. terimakasih untuk anonim yang memberikan masukan. akhirnya saya putuskan untuk menghapus postingan tersebut karena cukup kontroversial dan pemahaman saya yang salah. terimakasih atas masukannya :)

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

I am feed up

I am bored. I think it is enough, i want to scream, ARGHHH!!!
Dont put all of this on me alone.
You know? I need to rest!!

Please, we have our own role

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Hell weeks, to the end of semester

I always think that all my semester filled with tight schedule. I am used to think that I never been this busy. It happens in all my semesters, and in this peak semester I think that may be it is just my imagination, those busy schedule.

But, that hypothesis is broken again. I experienced a more d*mn weeks recently. And unfortunately, I am not in my best condition. More deadline is coming after each other, more sophisticated assignment is coming endlessly, and I can only do.
I have predicted these, but I am still not ready.

It indicates I am walking in a new stages. Every semester is designed with it's own business, and with it's own difficulties. I have passed that difficulties, and now I am reached to the new stage, and I am expected to passed this new stage's obstacle once more, with elegant ending certainly.

So, there are some lessons I get,
first, don't take much credit if you don't have good time management
second, it is a choice between happy semester and full-bleed semester
third, keep looking forward although your way forward is vague

Lastly, I think I don't really give a useful information to you, readers.
I am sorry, but try to get some lessons from my experience