Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

my Cartoon pic

like before, I want to post my old writing
this was written in Kebumen, my lovely home, in my super long holiday

~begin, wrote in My room, 22.29, 230808

Trying to sleep, but failed.
Status today: doing nothing (again)

This is my vektor art. How does it look? Cute? I think it is.
Not too special, but i think its enough good. Hehe...
Who is the object?
In my imagination.
That picture was created yesterday, 220808, about seven o’clock.
Hmm... i think i’ll mark up it again.
Check it out!


Now 23.37..
This is the new cartoon:

How is it?

Hehe. Bye.

(wahaha... biasa bae... )

~end of writing

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